Welcome to Holy Rosary Catholic School
Principal’s Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to the Holy Rosary Catholic School website. Our school community is now over sixty years old and has grown and developed into an innovative and vibrant school community. Students and their families are warmly welcomed into an inclusive community where each child is valued and supported to grow to their full potential.
Founded on the traditions of the Dominican Sisters we continue to strive to live out the charism and ethos of our founding order in our ever changing world. We believe that we are called to care for all in our community and support each other to live out social justice whilst promoting Gospel values. We value the rich cultural and social diversity that exists in our society and encourage our students to continue to develop greater understanding, tolerance and acceptance of others.
Holy Rosary is a two stream school catering for students from Kindergarten to Grade Six. Using the Australian Curriculum as our basis, we provide an extensive and inclusive learning program. Students also undertake lessons in Religious Education using the Good News for Living Program. We take seriously our responsibility to educate our students and we meet the challenges of teaching and learning for all students with strong collective knowledge, skills, wisdom and great enthusiasm.
Provision of further development opportunities include student leadership, extension learning activities, learning support programs, daily PE, swim programs, inter-school sport, camps and specialist subjects in Music, Physical Education and Japanese. We prepare our students to be responsible digital citizens and information technology plays an important role across all areas of learning and teaching.
In 2021, in partnership with CatholicCare, we commenced Ludo, a play-based learning and care environment for children from 3 - 5 years old. Ludo operates in the Early Learning Centre from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm for 50 weeks of the year, including school term and holidays. CatholicCare also operates our Outside School Hours Care. This program operates in the School Hall and is available for Prep-Grade 6 students and provides Before School Care, After School Care and Vacation Care.
At the heart of all we do are strong relationships with the parents/carers of our students. In a spirit of mutual respect, cooperation, communication and involvement we work together to ensure our students are confident, happy and successful learners.
I invite you to explore our website and contact the school office for further information or to arrange a visit to tour our school and see first hand the many benefits an education at Holy Rosary may bring your child.
Susan McGann
Vision Statement
In order to be an exemplary Catholic School, Holy Rosary Catholic School will endeavour to foster an environment where:
An attitude of faith, respect and trust is lived by the entire community.
We celebrate our faith, in Eucharist as a whole community.
We promote a love of learning as well as a desire and thirst for knowledge.
Each individual is valued; enabling them to reach their full potential.
Our Mission Statement
We at Holy Rosary Catholic School, Claremont seek to create an environment that enhances learning, nurtures young people and empowers them to live the Catholic faith in the spirit of Jesus Christ by:
Developing a hunger for the learning adventure;
Challenging each other to seek truth and justice for all;
Capturing the joy in the mystery of the created universe;
Embracing the diversity of the Earth and all its people;
And walking together in a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness
" Seek the Truth "
Term Dates
16 October - 14 December
2024 Term Dates
7 February - 11 April
29 April - 5 July
23 July - 27 September
15 October - 18 December
Term 1 includes Easter Break
29 March-2 April
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